Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nancy Drew Parodies

I found this fake cover for a Nancy Drew book funny.

I write Nancy Drew parodies and The Buried Treasure on Route 66 is the first Nancy Keene Mystery (out of five) that I've written. I hope you'll take a look:

Written as an homage to the Nancy Drew books, this humorous and PG-rated mystery about teenage sleuth, Nancy Keene, especially targets women baby boomers who grew up reading and loving the series. Gently poking fun at Nancy’s obscure knowledge, perfectionism, and need for control, this book concentrates and the relationship between Nancy and her father. Nancy has just turned 18, is in a serious relationship with her boyfriend, and is planning to move out of state to college. How will her father handle letting her go? Find out as Nancy, her father, and her boyfriend take a trip on Route 66, visiting several of its landmarks along the way, in search of a missing will. Not only is “The Buried Treasure on Route 66” a tip of the hat to the Nancy Drew books, it’s also a romance novel about both young love and rekindled old love.

Here's what reviewers are saying about this book:

"Besides being a sort of travelogue, the mystery is good, the solving of it fun, and the ending hilarious!"

"I could not get enough of this amazing story. I grew up reading every Nancy Drew book I could get my hands on. The author does not disappoint in paying homage as Nancy made me fall in love with teenage mysteries all over again. I loved the characters overprotective dad, friends Beth and Hannah, the cuteness of Nancy and Ned, Mrs Wood and mobster stepsons. I found myself wrapped up in the detailed storyline as Mrs Wood shares her story of lost love and who the stepsons are. I have always dreamed of driving down Route 66 and Hathaway made me feel I was there. Truly a nice escape for women baby boomers everywhere."

"I'd recommend this Nancy Keene series to anyone who read, reads, and loves Nancy Drew!"

Here are the links for The Buried Treasure on Route 66:

Barnes and Noble:

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